Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Genetically Modified Grain Essay - 3270 Words
Genetically Modified Grain Thesis: Genetically Modified Grain has many benefits and problems which have become very controversial. While these problems need to be addressed, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. GMO grain should be grown and foods containing them should not be required to bare a label. Introduction Genetically improved crops are not a new phenomenon. Plants have been selectively crossbred for centuries to develop heartier and more productive hybrids. Now, Biotechnology offers us the ability to transfer desired traits into plants much faster and more selectively by merely transplanting the desired gene into the grain. Genetically Modified Grain (GMO grain) is now available to the public. It has the potential to†¦show more content†¦This protein is not toxic to humans; it is broken down in the digestive system. Bt corn does not completely eliminate the need for insecticides, but greatly helps. In 1997, 4.5 million acres were planted to Bt. hybrids (Beeler, 1998). Today, 30 to 40% of corn and 50% of soybeans are GMO crops (Hein, 1999). This is quite a substantial percentage of our crops considering that many consider the existence of GMO crops to still be controversial. More than thirty genetically engineered plants are permitted for sale by law world wide (Hein, 1999). Knutson, Texas AM professor, estimates that we will not be able to feed the global population in the next 50 years unless we continue to increase crop production. In fact, we must triple farm output over the next 50 years to meet growing demands for food (American...1999). Biotechnology offers farmers capability to significantly increase yields without sacrificing huge tracts of forests and wetlands to low-yield crops and pasture. We can not significantly increase yields without the helping hand of technology. Without the use of pesticides we could not have met global food demands for the past 50 years. Before pesticide introduction rice yields were down by 57% and corn was down 32% (Knutson, 1999). Insect-protected corn allows American farmers to increase their yields between 5 and 20% (Gallivan, 1999). With GMO seeds, anyone who can plant a seedShow MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Organisms : An Organism1471 Words  | 6 PagesIn today’s world, genetically modifying organisms is a very common practice in the world of science. Scientists are genetically modifying a variety of different organisms, including a number of different plants, foods, medicines, and animals. To genetically modify an organism, the genetic structure of the organism has to be changed (Goldbas, 2014). The main purpose of genetically modifying an organism is to change something genetically about the function of a particular part of the organism. ThisRead MoreGood Or Bad? ( Parent Vs O Leary Debate1639 Words  | 7 PagesGMFs: Good Or Bad? (Parent vs O’Leary Debate) Genetically modified foods, known as GMFs, are an extremely controversial subject. By definition, GMO’s are, â€Å"organisms whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there.†Scientists genetically engineer these foods to, for example, contain an additional vitamin or weather withstanding qualities. Relatively recently, Kevin O’Leary, who was in favor of GMFs, and RachelRead MoreThe Controversial Issue Of Public Health Issue725 Words  | 3 PagesPraphul Joshi 10/23/2013 Controversial Public Health Issue There are several controversial issues confronting us today; from Universal Healthcare (Obama Care) to Stem Cell research, to vaccinations, to genetically engineered (GE)/genetically modified (GM) foods. However, I shall look at genetically modified foods as the controversial issue for this article. 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Genetically modified foods are created by taking genes from plants and animals and inserting into our food to alter the genetic engineering. In 1984, GMO’s were first introduced when a plant was modified from antibiotic resistant tobacco. In 1994, genetically modifying food was approved by the FDA and theRead MoreWe The People Of The People’S Republic Of China Established820 Words  | 4 Pagesdiet, we have found genetically modified organisms, or GMOs to be of value. A genetically modified organism (GMO, also known as a genetically engineered organism) is defined as â€Å"any living organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques (i.e., a genetically engineered organism),†as stated by Cartagena protocol on Biosafety. Our nation is the main consumer of genetically modified grains. As a whole, our country uses up â…“ of the world’s grains. Our government isRead MoreGenetically Modified Organism For Commercial Sale1372 Words  | 6 PagesFood and Drug Administration approved the first genetically modified organism for commercial sale, which was the Flavr Savr delayed ripening tomato (DNAP CONSULTS WITH FDA†¦ N.P) DNAP sold however to Monsanto the maker’s roundup and they have the bad reputation as one of the manufacturers Agent Orange and DDT in the past, Fernandez and the team summarize research from the scientific consensus of genetically modified organism in the article Ge netically engineered crops in the United States publish
Monday, December 23, 2019
Managing Resources - 1271 Words
Developing amp; Managing Resources The learning resource I have chosen is actually also used as an ice breaker for a lesson and then used to build on students communication, reading and understanding skills. The task is used to put students under a time constraint to complete a task of ready and answering simple and possibly trick questions in a short time frame. This resource is not used in a way to trick students but used to then get them to reflect on their ready and interpretation of a question. For example, the first part of the document tell them what they must do and this also asks them to use the space before the number to write their answers. Many students do not do this and proceed to write their answers at the end of the†¦show more content†¦They enjoy observing others and will listen to their views before offering their own. Theorists adapt and integrate observations into complex and logically sound theories. They think problems through in a step by step way. They tend to be perfectionists who like to fit things into a rational scheme. They tend to be detached and analytical rather than subjective or emotive in their thinking. Activists like to be involved in new experiences. They are open minded and enthusiastic about new ideas but get bored with implementation. They enjoy doing things and tend to act first and consider the implications afterwards. They like working with others but tend to hog the limelight. And finally; Pragmatists are keen to try things out. They want concepts that can be applied to their job. They tend to be impatient with lengthy discussions and are practical and down to earth. The one good thing about this resource is as long as I have it on paper to hand out (good planning) I don’t need any other resource or technology. I have used this learning resource as a back up lesson in the past when either our computer systems have gone down, or I have arrived at a venue that does not have ICT facilities of some way of showing resources on a smart board or projector. This learning resource is shared out so widely. As mentioned earlier many students ask for a copy to take away with them so I ensure I always have spares to hand to give out and share the experience. EvenShow MoreRelatedManaging Human Resources1010 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿P.1.1 This assissment is going to be about Human Resource Management and it’s going to contain information about different perspectives of human resources management and what the role involves. . HRM system is based on HR system , both work together to the same way. The example is HR strategies defining the direction in which HRM intends to go. We got few models of HRM , one I want to describe is Guest’s Model of HRM. David Guest’s model of HRM has 6 dimensions of analysis : HRM strategy HRMRead MoreManaging Human Resources3895 Words  | 16 PagesAssignment On Managing Human Resources Task | Table of contents | Page | Introduction | 04 | Task 01 | 1.1 Explain Guest’s model of HRM as applicable to the above company. | 05 | | 1.2 Compare the differences between Storey’s definitions of HRM, personnel and IR practices in the above context. | 05 | | 1.3 Assess the implications for line managers and employees of developing a strategic approach to HRM in a company like Unilever. | 06 | Task 02 | 2.1 ExplainRead MoreManaging Human Resources4517 Words  | 19 Pagesï » ¿ Managing Human Resources Contents Introduction 1 Task 1 1 1.1 The Guest’s model of Human Resource Management 1 1.2 The differences between Story’s definitions of HRM, personnel and Industrial Relations (IR) practices: 3 1.3 The implications of developing a strategic approach to HRM for line managers and employees in organizations 5 Task2 6 2.1 A model of flexibility is applied in my organization 6 2.2 The types of flexibility developed in myRead MoreManaging Global Human Resources2493 Words  | 10 PagesMANAGING GLOBAL HUMAN RESOURCES The environment in which business competes is rapidly becoming globalized. More and more companies are entering international markets by exporting their products overseas, building plants in other countries, and entering into alliances with foreign companies. Global competition is driving changes in organizations throughout the world. Companies are attempting to gain a competitive advantage, which can be provided by international expansion. Deciding whether to enterRead MoreThe Managing Human Resources Class1032 Words  | 5 PagesThe Managing Human Resources class has been a great experience for me. My perception of HR has changed since we started the class. In the beginning of class, I thought all HR departments were the same as the only one I’ve ever experienced throughout my career; which happens to be with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA). I now understand HR can be much more and TWRA’s HR is not providing many of the services it could be. Unfo rtunately, TWRA’s HR is only delivering functional expertiseRead MoreManaging Human Resource Management And Its Environment1654 Words  | 7 PagesManaging Human Resources In the book Fundamentals of Human Resource Management Sixth Edition by Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart and Wright, chapter one managing human resources gives an outline of human resource management, also known as (HRM), and its environment. Chapter one talks about the understanding, company performance, responsibilities, skills, ethics, and careers of human resource management. Many may know what HRM stands for, human resource management, but do we really know the true meaningRead MoreCase Study : Managing Human Resource1966 Words  | 8 PagesCase Study for Managing Human Resource Case study for Managing Human Resource Harrods is a brand that is recognised all over the world. Its Knightsbridge store has 1 million square feet of selling space with over 330 different departments. Its global reputation and prestige is instilled through its brand values. Brand values represent what an organisation stands for. Harrods values are – British; Luxury; Service; Innovation and Sensation. This case study demonstrates the integral role that Harrods’Read More Managing Global Human Resources Essay2450 Words  | 10 Pagescountries is no simple matter and many human resource issues surface. (Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, and Wright; 534) Doing business globally requires that adaptations be made to reflect cultural and other factors that differ from country to country and from continent to continent. The nature and stability of political systems vary in character and stability, with contracts suddenly becoming unenforceable because of internal political factors. Human resource regulations and laws vary among countriesRead MoreManaging International Human Resource Management1860 Words  | 8 Pagescreated the need for International Human Resource Management (IHRM) roles (Scullion, 2001). Human resource management is progressively becoming a major factor that can determine the success or failure of MNC’s. Scullion (2001) concluded that HR strategies play a vital role in implementation and control in MNC’s, and alignment between HR strategies and the organisational structure of MNC’s often results in superior outcomes. In order to strive, human resources must be managed effectively to gain a compe titiveRead MoreNotes On Managing Human Resource Essay1095 Words  | 5 PagesWord Count: 938 Managing Human Resource 1.0 The Background of Company X Company X is one of the largest convenience chain stores in the world, which owns over 60,000 stores in 18 different countries among Americas, Europe, East and Southeast Asia and so on. The aim of the Company X is to delivery superb services to customers with healthy and safety products in 24 hours of seven days in a week. Having been worked in this Japanese style stores for almost a year and a half, I find there are some management
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Kmart Performance Management Tactics Free Essays
Kmart- Performance Management Tactics More than one hundred years ago, Sebastian Spering Kresge opened a modest five-and-dime store in downtown Detroit and changed the entire landscape of retailing. The store that Kresge built has evolved into an empire of more than 1,500 stores and an Internet presence that reaches millions of customers. Overall, Kmart’s workforce is highly diverse. We will write a custom essay sample on Kmart: Performance Management Tactics or any similar topic only for you Order Now Kmart’s total associate population, including store managers, reflects the communities it serves. Almost 32 percent of its workforce represents multicultural minorities. (â€Å"Kmart Corporation†2008, Funding Universe) Nation’s second largest retailer made an effort in the past few years to execute headquarters’ strategy at the store level, at least in housewares, Kmart can report some success stories. Accurate category management can â€Å"even the playing field and eliminate the gulf of mistrust that sometimes exists between vendor/broker and retailer,†said Ron Gellish, director of strategic market planning for Kmart. Discount Store News, May 1995) Performance Management Tactics; first step is to review the category, make sure both the retailer and vendor agree on a source for data and that both understand terminology and methodology. A. – Agree on the goal of the project, be it volume increase or profit gain. B. – Assess the category’s unit and dollar volume growth rates over the past two years, both by retail trade channel an d on a national basis. C. – Determine the market shares for brands in the category and identify any areas ripe for cannibalization. Specifically, Gellish recommended that partners aggregate UPCs by vendor to gauge impact. For instance, the top brand could be from a small vendor, while the next four brands could be from a megacorporation. D. – Be aware of which products are trending up and which are slowing down. â€Å"Maintain objectivity. Be ready to pull your items if the data suggests they are performing poorly–don’t just try to delist your competition,†Gellish. (Discount Store News, May 1995) Products must first earn approval from Kmart’s Quality Assurance and Technical Design Laboratory, and vendors that want to be thought of favorably by Kmart should participate in the retailer’s â€Å"Partners for Quality†and/or â€Å"Partners in Merchandise Flow†programs. (Discount Store News, May 1995) How to cite Kmart: Performance Management Tactics, Essays
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Declaration and Fill Return Investment
Question: Describe about the Declaration and Fill Return Investment. Answer: Lecturing income of S$ 45,000. Lecturing income earned in a private institution in Singapore is income earned in Singapore. Though the income is deposited in a foreign bank account, it regarded as income earned for working in Singapore. Therefore, the income will be taxed and you will be required to make it declaration and fill return. Employment salary earned overseas is not taxed and there is no need to declare. The amount earned from Vietnam by Leonard is not income earned in Singapore though it was received in a Singapore Bank (Minns, 2010). The rental income earned from a property in Australia is only taxed in Australia .This is as a result of the Double Taxation Agreement between Australia and Singapore that remove incidences of individuals being taxed in both countries. The Big Sweep winning is not regarded as income, therefore it not taxed under the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. It does not require declaration. Tax liabilities for Leonard Ongs royalties income Amount earned S$52520 Less expense Printing and stationary $15500 Advertisements $ 8600 Legal fees $ 2480 Net income S$ 25940 10% of gross royalty income; 10% *52520= $ 5252 Leonard will pay S$5252 for the Royalties received in the year 2015 because they are lower compared to tax liabilities calculated as 22% of net income of royalties Leonard Income from rental properties for 2016; Rental income for property 1 Rental income $ 4500*12 =54000 Less allowable expenses Property tax 330*12= 3960 Maintenance fee 190*12= 2280 Repairs 1600 Taxable income 46160 Rental income for property 2 Rental income $ 3600*9= $ 32400 Less allowable expenses Property tax 280*9= 2520 Maintenance fee 130*9 = 1170 Renovation 15000 Taxable income $ 13710 Calculation for the share option benefit Bought option shares at S$ 3.50 on July Sold at S$ 5 Benefits [5-3.5]100000 = $ 150000 Tax relief for Leonard Ong Leonard is entitled to S$1000 tax relief for the income earned in Singapore. This relief is to respect of age that is allowed to all employees of age below 55 years. 2. I) In case Leonard contracts critical illness, both life term and whole life insurance policies will be used to payout but in specified sections. He will be paid S$700000 for contracting the illness from the Life term insurance policy. It is within this policy that Leonard has insured against contracting illness. The other policy from the Whole life insurance covers against critical illness only which can be associated with leading to contraction. In this case, he has suffered against accelerated critical illness that has been contracted and he will receive S$70000 pay out from the policy. Therefore, Leonard will receive S$770000 in total form both policies as a result of contracting. Both insurance policies will be valid to payout in this case. S$700000- for contacting major illness S$70000-for accelerated critical illness Total payout-S$700000+S$70000=S$770000 ii) In case Leonard dies in the next year, his beneficiaries will receive payouts from both insurance policies. Leonard will be compensated for both critical illness and for death occurrence. Therefore, they will receive a total of S$2472000 payout from all insurance policies on claim. Also the mortgage term insurance cover for the condominium will be paid out at a discount of 1.5% p.a. Both insurance companies will pay the sum assured since there is no breach of the life insurance policy (Reuvid, 2012). The Term insurance will pay S$ 800000 while the Whole life insurance will pay S$ 90000. S$700000- for contracting critical illness S$70000-for accelerated critical illness S$800000-for life term sum insured S$90000-for whole life sum insured S$812000-for loan insured S$800000+S$90000+S$70000+S$700000+S$812000=S$2472000 Annual compound rate of Leonard from 3 unit trust; Trust A bought 3.60 market value 3.0= -0.60= 3.00/3.60-1=-0.167 Trust B bought 4.70 market value 6.60= 6.60/4.70-1=0.40 Trust C bought at 5.30 market value 8.70= 8.70/5.30-1=0.64 Total compound benefits = -0.16+0.40+0.64=0.88 Percentage gain/ loss from Trust investments; Trust Unit A =3.00/3.60-1=-0.167*100= -16.7% Trust Unit B = 6.60/4.70-1=0.40*100= 40% Trust Unit C= 8.70/5.30-1=0.64*100=64% Total percentage = -16.7%+40%+64%= 88% 3. Though there no provisions in law for wifes maintenance duties toward her husband, in instances of death they exercise duties of maintenance. Wifes has a duty to pay debts and expenses that the husband is obliged to have. She is supposed to verify and settle them as they fall due. Secondly, wifes have a duty to take care of the properties that the husband had accumulated. It the duty of the wife to protect and maintain the existence and continuity of her husbands properties left behind at the time of death. Third, it is the duty of the wife to represent her husband in court cases that the husband left uncompleted. And the fourth duty is to distribute property to the husbands children as the trustee and custodian of the inheritance. The wife has the duty to divide the inheritance of her husband to the children when they reach age of the majority. The age can either be defined on the will or the legal majority age defined in the constitution. ii) Husbands are bound to wife maintenance in respect to terms agreements or court orders. Husband is required by law to maintain their wife and former wifes if divorced. The husband is required to maintain his former wife needs either as a lump sum or periodic. The needs are calculated on the financial needs of the former wife. If the wife has children, the husband is bound to maintenance till the children are of majority age. In most cases where the former wife is allowed share of marital assets by the court, the maintenance costs to the husband are reduced. Therefore, husbands are bound to the maintenance responsibility to their wife legally. In the case of Leonard, he is bound to maintain his former two ex- wives. He pays S$200 to the first wife and S$150 to the second wife as alimony for the marriage they shared with Leonard. b) Settlor- Leonard Ongs lawyer is the settler of the Trust. It is from this lawyer that the trust is legally bidding. He proposed the enactment of the trust. Therefore the lawyer is the settler of the Leonard Trust. Trustee- Koh Wai Eng is the Trustee of the Leonard Ongs Trust. She is the woman that Leonard was looking forward to marry on August. Koh Wai Eng is entrusted with the Leonards property for pay debts and expenses as they fall due. She is also entrusted with dividing the property to Leonards children when they turn 21year of age. Beneficiaries- kon Wai Eng who is also the trustee, is the current beneficiary. She will be privileged to own the properties for the years till Leonards children are of majority age. Lynette On, Bridget Ong and Daphne Ong are the beneficiaries of the Trust. Three who are children to Leonard are bestowed as beneficiaries of their fathers inheritance which they will get on attainment of 21 years of age. C). i) The Intestate Succession Act Chapter 146 section 7 will be used to distribute Leonard Ongs estate. Leonard did not leave a will but left a spouse and children. It is from this law that the estate of Leonard will be determined on how to be distributed among the beneficiaries. According to Baiross (2016), in absence of a will, law will take course to distribute estate in a predetermined equitable manner. ii) The following persons will be entitled to Leonard Estate; Kon Wai Eng, Lynette Ong Daphene Ong Bridget Ong Lynette Ong, Daphne Ong, Bridget Ong are the children of Leonard and will be entitled to half share of the estate (Tan Tan, 2011). According to the Intestate law, the spouse will take and the children the other of the total estates that were not indicated in a will. References Baiross, M. (2016). In the absence of a will, how is the deceased's estate distributed? | SingaporeLegalAdvice.com. SingaporeLegalAdvice.com. Retrieved 23 September 2016, from https://singaporelegaladvice.com/law-articles/in-the-absence-of-a-will-how-is-the-deceased-estate-distributed/ Beach, J. (2016). Singapore-Australia Double Taxation Agreement (DTA) | Brief Overview. Guidemesingapore.com. Retrieved 23 September 2016, from https://www.guidemesingapore.com/taxation/double-tax-treaties/singapore-australia-dta Deductions for Individuals (Reliefs, Expenses, Donations) - IRAS. (2016). Iras.gov.sg. Retrieved 23 September 2016, from https://www.iras.gov.sg/irashome/Individuals/Locals/Working-Out-Your-Taxes/Deductions-for-Individuals--Reliefs--Expenses--Donations-/ GAHVARI, F. (2014). Second-Best Taxation of Incomes and Non-Labor Inputs in a Model with Endogenous Wages. Journal Of Public Economic Theory, 16(6), 917-935. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jpet.12088 Intestate Succession Act. (2016). Nslegislature.ca. Retrieved 23 September 2016, from https://nslegislature.ca/legc/statutes/intestat.htm Joulfaian, D. Inheritance and Saving. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.909307 Minns, S. (2010). The 2010 guide to private banking and wealth management in Asia. London: Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC. Overseas Income Received in Singapore - IRAS. (2016). Iras.gov.sg. Retrieved 23 September 2016, from https://www.iras.gov.sg/IRASHome/Individuals/Locals/Working-Out-Your-Taxes/What-is-Taxable-What-is-Not/Overseas-Income-Received-in-Singapore/ Reuvid, J. (2009). The handbook of personal wealth management. London: Kogan Page. Reuvid, J. (2012). The handbook of personal wealth management. London: Kogan Page. Singapore Statutes Online - 146 - Intestate Succession Act. (2016). Statutes.agc.gov.sg. Retrieved 23 September 2016, from https://statutes.agc.gov.sg/aol/search/display/view.w3p;page=0;query=DocId%3A9ce463a4-f756-40c3-8503-9de6a25884c0%20%20Status%3Ainforce%20Depth%3A0;rec=0 Tan, C. Tan, C. (2011). Financial services and wealth management in Singapore. Singapore: Ridge Books.
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