Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Rebels of Dharma Bums, Takin it to the Streets and New American Po
Rebels of Dharma Bums, Takin' it to the Streets and New American Poetry     You don't need a destination to run away. All you have to know is what you are leaving behind. In the 1960's, young men and women in the United States, especially on the west coast, made a mad dash away from almost two centuries of American tradition. They ran to so many different places that it would be impossible to generalize about their aims and philosophies. What they had in common was the running itself.  America was drowning in materialism. In "A Coney Island of the Mind," Lawrence Ferlinghetti characterized the land of the free and the home of the brave as "a concrete continent spaced with bland billboards illustrating imbecile illusions of happiness" (New American Poetry, ed. Allen, p131).  John Sinclair criticized a country that needed "Eighty-seven different brands of toothpaste" and "Millions of junky automobiles" (Takin' it to the Streets, ed. Bloom, p303). After the novelty of cars and other products wore off, some Americans began to feel that the emphasis on production was changing the character of the country. Economic prosperity had gone to America's head, and in the scramble for profit idealism had been left behind. Kafka is quoted by Richard Brautigan in his novel Trout Fishing in America as having said that "I like the Americans because they are healthy and optimistic." (Takin' it to the Streets, p280) The new generation of Americans, however, was nowhere near optimistic about the future of their country. They saw the land of the free and the home of the brave degenerating into a production line of television sets and plastic gizmos.  The loss of individuality was what many feared. In ... all the enthusiasm and all the rebelliousness. They were the ones who, according to Ginsberg, "howled on their knees in the subway and were dragged off the roof waving genitals and manuscripts" (p185). However, all their manuscripts said different things. Mainstream America had two hundred years of tradition behind them, and in addition to that they had force of habit and a leader in the form of the United States government. The new generation had only their conviction that a change must take place. But their passion and their flamboyance made people listen up.  Works Cited Allen, Donald, ed. The New American Poetry. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1999. Bloom, Alexander and Breines, Wini. Takin' it to the Streets. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1995. Kerouac, Jack. The Dharma Bums. New York, NY: Penguin Books, 1986.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Meat Consumption In America
Ground Beef, between others are the most typical things on a grocery shopping list. Meat forms a great part of our meals that we include it in every single plate we eat. In the essay, â€Å"The Only Way to Have a COW', Bill McKinney imagines a future where Americans will not eat as much meat as they do now. But the likelihood of his vision ever becoming true is far from being realized. I went out interviewing people about what was their opinion of meat consumption in the U. S.They had really good opinions. One of the few questions I asked was; what is the likelihood of America on becoming vegetarian? Their answers went from America will never become vegetarian to there is a slight chance it will happen. The answer that struck me the most was that of a 19 year old male, Jose, a resident in Los Angles, CA, he said: â€Å"In my opinion I doubt America as a whole could ever transfer from being a ‘meat lover' society to a complete vegetarian society. If you think about it it's a r adiation.For example, look at Thanksgiving I doubt American's would give up such tradition. †Over the years the U. S. Meat consumption has peaked. With about 270. 71 pounds of meat a year per person, the United States is the second country that consumes more meat than any other country on the planet. With such a high demand on meat farmers and scientists have found ways to get more meat out of every cow. If things keep going the way they are Mr.. Muckiness's vision will be significantly far from being realized.Meat has become a big part of American's dietary plans. It has become a big part of my diet as well. In a week, I would probably consume a total of 10 to 12 pounds of meat. Either chicken or beef, I always need to have a piece of meat on my plate, without it my plate would not be a â€Å"balanced†meal. If I was to ever become vegetarian or at least lower my consumption of meat, it would be nearly an impossible thing to do. But hey, there is nothing that cannot b e done in fife.It would Just take a little time and some self-discipline to reach this goal. So in a few words, the idea of America ever becoming vegetarian is far from being realized. The high demand of meat in America has caused farmers to invent new ways to obtain the maximum amount of meat from every single cow to satisfy our population. Many Americans would never give up their meat. Think about it America without meat would not be America.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Effects Of Economic Growth On Unemployment And Inflation
Discuss the effects of economic growth on unemployment and inflation in Australia Economic growth is an increase in the volume of goods and services that an economy produces over a period of time and is measured by the annual rate of change in real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Economic growth is classified as one of the most important indicators of an economy’s performance. Australia has maintained an average of 3.3% real GDP growth since 1992. The pursuit of a stable economic growth is a major objective of government policy, however, the optimal rate of economic growth varies due to its impacts on unemployment and inflation. In a market economy, prices are determined by the interaction of demand and supply in the marketplace. Economic†¦show more content†¦This increases aggregate demand and real GDP through increased government spending (E0-E1). For example, during the GFC the RBA cut the cash rate drastically from 7.25% to 4.25% driving up consumption and investment in the economy. However, this resulted in the inflation rising to 5.2%. The fiscal stimulus package improved economic growth rate by 0.6% as consumer confidence increased. By expanding aggregate demand, in 2009, the fiscal stimulus supported 210,000 jobs and the peak unemployment rate was 1.5% lower than if there was no fiscal stimulus. By the multiplier effect, further investment by the government into building projects supported unemployed workers thus raising consumer spending. This increased the total level of national income in the economy from Y0-Y1 thus raising GDP and lowering unemployment but inflation increased as a result of increased consumer spending. Inevitably, when aggregate demand is increasing, the inflationary expectations result in employees bargaining for increases in their nominal wages to adjust with inflation. This is known as cost-push inflation whereby the costs of production for a businesses increases. Subsequently, employers lay off workers in an attempt to reduce their costs of production while also upholding productivity and consumer demand. This increases the unemployment rate whilst the inflation rate is lowered in the short term as seen from the short-run Phillips curveShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Inflation And Unemployment On Growth1553 Words  | 7 Pagesachievement of a high rapid and sustainable economic growth. The relationship between inflation and unemployment on growth remains a controversial one in both theory and empirical findings. Originating from the Latin American context in the 1950s, the issue has generated an enduring debate between structuralists and monetarists. The structurali sts believe that inflation is essential for economic growth, whereas the monetarists see inflation as detrimental to economic progress. 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